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From ultra-flat
to ultra-efficient

Ultra-flat logistics floors are a must in any business environment, as they guarantee:

AlphaPlan aims for maximum efficiency in your logistics environment: Unique solutions to ensure that your warehouse and distribution floor becomes ultra-flat. Our solutions guarantee a Return On Investment (ROI) of 10 months on average. Curious about the ROI for your company?

The advantages of ultra-flat floors include

Ultra-flat logistics floors are a must in any business environment, as they guarantee:

Not in the mood for endless work that restricts or even temporarily prevents your logistics activities? Neither are we. AlphaPlan’s FloorShaver grinds 120 to 250 m² per day and guarantees the continuity of your logistics handling. Furthermore, we carry out the works dust-free and ensure maximum safety for your employees.

When ultra-flat is a must

AlphaPlan’s great strength is our drive for innovation which has led to develop in-house a complete package of patented solutions for material handling efficiency:


With the FloorShaver, AlphaPlan guarantees ultra-flat logistics floors to get the most efficient use of your forklift trucks. This fully automated grinding machine boasts unprecedented precision so we can guarantee the result each and every time.

FloorProfiler is a unique robot that checks flatness according to all international standards. The only such survey robot in the world, it guarantees 100% certified results and an accuracy of 0.01 millimetres.

Want to purchase FloorProfiler? Or to have a measurement carried out?

FloorClino and FloorWave will enable you to measure floor flatness quickly and efficiently. Ever so user-friendly and accurate, they can be connected to any mobile device.

Want to purchase FloorClino or FloorWave?

Our partner FloorBridge

Opt for perfect joints that are shockproof and resistant to extreme loads. Boost your profitability while reducing significantly ergonomic problems encountered by your drivers with this highly sustainable solution for the perfect joint!


Opt for Alphaplan! You will get a 30-year guarantee that the result will meet the required flatness standards in full (100%).

Feel the impact of our solutions with the Floor Simulator

Curious to experience the effect of our grinding solutions for yourself? You can! With our FloorSimulator you get a before-and-after experience. We simulate a drive first over a normal floor, and then over an ultra-flat floor. This simulator is also a perfect training tool for professionals.


You can now find us in South Africa!

Tips & inspiration

Revitalize Your Warehouse: A solution for Guaranteed Return On Investment
