DIN 15185 (standard)

DIN 15185 has been officially replaced in 2021 by the DIN (EN) 15620, which refers to FEM 10.2.14-1 for flatness requirements.
DIN 18202 (standard)

The latest version of the DIN 18202 standard was published in April 1997.
F min numbers (ACI360R-10)

First used on a large-scale commercial project in 1983.
TR34 (brochure to design and construction of industrial ground floors)

In February 2003 the British Concrete Society aided by the ACIFC revised its Technical Report 34.
FEM 10.2.14 / 4.103 – 1

The VDMA flatness requirement was included in the FEM 10.2.14 / 4.103 – 1 and from September 2021 in the European standard EN 15 620. It is therefore an official European flatness standard which must be met.
EN 15620 (European Norm September 2021)

This VDMA flatness requirement was included in the FEM 10.2.14 / 4.103 – 1 and from September 2021 in the European standard EN 15 620.
VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Germany 2010)

This standard was developed at the request and with the approval
Job Description

First used on a large-scale commercial project in 1983.