World of innovative floor solutions

AlphaPlan is sparing no effort to maximize the efficiency of your logistics environment with unique solutions that make your warehouse and distribution floor ultraflat for maximum cost-effectiveness, speed and efficiency.

The uptime of your forklifts will improve considerably with ultraflat floors. You will moreover need fewer of them because the warehouse will be running at maximum speed and efficiency.

Curious about your ROI when choosing for ultraflat floors with AlphaPlan? You can calculate it yourself!




Automatic floor grinding


Our own experts have developed the FloorShaver: a fully automated floor grinder to make your floor ultraflat and maximize the efficiency of forklift trucks. The result: maximum uptime, minimum repair costs and a minimal number of forklifts and drivers.


unique measuring robot


The FloorProfiler is the only survey robot in the world that checks floor flatness with 100% certified results. Developed entirely in-house by AlphaPlan, it has an accuracy of 0.01 millimetre.


Perfect polymer joint


Joint repairs are a thing of the past thanks to the FloorBridge. This carbon-reinforced polymer joint profile guarantees an impact-free, durable floor.

Boost your
profitability thanks
to AlphaPlan

AlphaPlan invests in unique people and technologies day in and day out with only one goal in mind: to make your logistics environment efficient through ultraflat floor solutions – for measurable results and maximum ROI!

Discover all the innovative ultraflat floor solutions of AlphaPlan today!


Alphaplan team heroes

Tips & inspiration

Floor Flatness for VNA: Discover the key to maximizing your warehouse efficiency!